Moving in as

im doin the moving objects in actionscript tutorial… surprisingly i did it right and it actually made sense to me…
but i wanna take it farther:bad:

are there ways to do parabolic movements or movements along arcs and stuff… i mean do all this stuff in as… no path following stuff… if there are could you just post the forumulas and stuff…


just tryin to learn new stuff

thanksing being towards u


If you know advanced math like all of the Math functions in FLash (sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, PI, SQRT, etc) then any kind of motion is possible.

Buts its advanced to coding specific trails with Flash AS.


See This

Wow cyan. Thanks for that!!! Hmm, I learn something new everday here.

Yup… That’s what I have learned today too… =)
Not easy stuff for my brain though… :sigh:
Maybe I should go eat something and play some more Diablo… Hehe…

I get it. Woulda NEVER came up with that on my own, but I get it.

yep … excellent link there cyan =)

whoa… dem were beeeg werds… im uber-confused… lol… but thanks… once i get smart i should look into that stuff… right now im just workin on my basic actionscript… oh well… someday

Yup… Step by step… Slow and steady… :wink: