I want to have a few movie clips moving randomly over my flashsite. They will look bugs. And I want them to move in the direction the head is pointing.
I have tried the random movement tutorial here on Kirupa but can’t get the mc to rotate in the direction it’s moving.
Hi Schling,
You might try posting your fla so that people can see what you are trying to do and help you fix it - it doesn’t sound to me like that big a problem, but that is easy to say when i cannot see the file
First: It’s a bit messy since I have been messing around with it, so I hope you can make some sense out of it.
Second: The animation isn’t a bug yet, just a button looking thingy with “feet” in front of it. You’ll se it. I need those “feet” on the front of the mc.
Hi Schling,
I was going take a look at your file today, but all hell let loose here and …well you know what they say about good intentions.
However, all is not lost, I have just found this thread here there is a file there that may solve your probs, the character turns to face the way he is moving, however the movement is fired on a mouseclick - shouldn’t be too hard to convert - if its not what you want, post here and I’ll have look over the w/e - hope it helps
oops sorry, that link doesn’t work - its is in the AS forum under the heading " game character movement"
Well, I took a look at the fla file, but I have still have problems converting it to work with my own file.
I think I know where my problem is though. All my roation codes are based on the random math for the movement. And therefore it also roatates in a random direction. The thing I think I need is a code that bases it self on the speed on the x and y axis.
look … i don’t have the time right now to rewrite the scrip and fix it
but i know [size=1]at least in theory :P[/size] that if you add this line to suprabeener’s code it should do the trick
Sorry Kax, but that code didn’t work. It rotates the mc all right, but in a random direction. And not the way it’s facing…
But don’t feel stressed about script If you wan’t to solve it, take your time. It’s no rush. I have a 1000 other things that has to be made on the page.