we’ve all seen it… big deal did it before them… but anyway, my question is how do make the menu move with the changing size of the mc? Can someone please hel me with this. thanks
Can you specify the question a bit more please ? I don’t completely understand the thing you’d want to do
try something like this for the movieclip (which houses the menu) AS:[AS]onClipEvent(enterFrame){
basically, you’re just trying to fix the _x and _y locations to the _x and _y positions of the main movieclip. but your AS is going to change based on the registration points of your movieclips. it would probably be easiest to have the registration point of your main movieclip in the center and for the menu mc, make the registration point the point at which you want to attach the menu mc to the main mc.
the AS above is for attaching the menu mc to the top right of the mainmovie mc. the registration point for the mainmovie mc is centered vertically and horizontally.
I am trying to make the menu move with the movie clip that change size. I will try what you are saying, but i must admit i am a little confused.