Hi. I have an image sequence that shows a product 360º.
I have it imported into flash.
What I’m trying to achieve, is to be able to move through frames depending on if I move to left or to right using mouse_down, instead of prevFrame and nextFrame.
Is it very hard to do?
Can this code be reused?
Sorry about my english. Thanks!
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.events.Event;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);
var dragging:Boolean;
var offSetX:int;
var offSetY:int;
function downf(e:MouseEvent)
dragging = true;
offSetX = mouseX - mc1.x;
offSetY = mouseY - mc1.y;
function upf(e:MouseEvent)
dragging = false;
function update(e:Event)
mc1.x = mouseX - offSetX;
mc1.y = mouseY - offSetY;