mp3 downloads

Hey, I’m at a computer camp, and there is no p2p program, and i’ve tried going on “free” mp3 sites to download some songs

anyone know good FREE mp3 download websites that don’t have 300++++ popups?

thanks. I would appreciate it a whole lot. a week with no music = OMG!


You can try listing to stations… like, or stuff at

discover. listen. spread.

*Originally posted by Manny Calavera *

discover. listen. spread. **

pretty slow server eh? :hair:

oh that’s only until i sign-up

thanks for the link they even have cosmic gate!

yeah, you’re right. It is not usually this slow, though. maybe today is one of its bad days.

sheesh i’ve been looking for one song (cosmic gate - back to earth) for over an hour! if someone has it or has a link to a REAL download… i love you


:angry: :angry: :frowning:

As always, buy the CD. :thumb:

But elsewise, on, theres a way of actually downloading the mp3 files from their playist files.


have you tried using mirc???

*Originally posted by Invis *
Hey, I’m at a computer camp

What is that anyway?

dude, just use Winamp, and listen to their stations… they have like a gazilion stations at

grrr stations don’t play the only song i want to listen to :frowning:

*Originally posted by Kajinku *
**What is that anyway? **

It’s called CyberCamps and they offer courses like C++ programming, VB programming, game design, and web design

i’m doing web design and once i find a host, i’ll show my web page to you guys.

sounds fun. Im just sat here sticking pencils up my nose…

I would like to see some of your designs that they are teching you at computer camp. I wish I was at computer camp. Instead I am at work… ah well - at least I have a job. I could be sitting at home watching soap operas all day :slight_smile:

Hehe, theres a computer camp near a campground place. It’s quite sad, 90% of them are little chubby fat kids that wear chunky glasses. Classical geek traits. The other 10% are extremely skinny kids that wear think glasses and bulky braces. Quite funny to see them all run off the bus into the computer rooms.


*Originally posted by SureShot *
**I would like to see some of your designs that they are teching you at computer camp. I wish I was at computer camp. Instead I am at work… ah well - at least I have a job. I could be sitting at home watching soap operas all day :slight_smile: **

I’m in between that! :slight_smile: But yeah there are some fat kids here that can’t wait to eat. THey eat their food on the way to the chairs, and when they wait in line at the cafeteria.

As for those designs, shot, it’s basic stuff. But it is my first time with Dreamweaver MX, so basic is good for me. You guys could make what there teaching in like 5 minutes. Me on the other hand, took about 2 days :!:

*Originally posted by TheOrangeOne *
**sounds fun. Im just sat here sticking pencils up my nose… **

[COLOR=orange]** [SIZE=7]:stuck_out_tongue: ha ha ha ha :P[/SIZE] **[/COLOR]

If you cant find anything interesting and are feeling bored:P tRyTHIS

u have to download a software, i works great, i have also found the track u mentioned,but a long q, so if u r have patiance to stay put, ur track is there.

If not, try
if u have yahoo id, log on and u can make a choice if u want to see videos or just listen to their radio channels, may b u can find the video of that track u mentioned, this is fun.I havent seen any site like this, they show the whole video, nice sound quality too.

i want to go to a comp camp, maybe next year though. but i just got back from football camp and i survived a week with no music, well i had sublime, but it was my roomates. but you will live, i had no comp there so you are lucky…

Geekcamp. I bet it ends up in massive Counterstrike sessions.

I broke away from that when I was 13.

MMh. I’d rather do a sports camp. Instead of wastin’ me time in front of the pootah’