mp3 player... again

I’m at my wits end here, I made an mp3 player that worked perfectly fine, or at least as good as I needed it to. Then I took all the buttons, all the functions and moved them to a new movie clip inside a larger movie. Now nothing plays… I’ve been messing with it for the last hour, and I can’t get anything to change it.

mp3_test.fla is the working one, while main_night2.fla contains the mp3 player inside of it. I included two of the song files for reference.

Any help would be really appreciated.

.zip file

It’s because when you movie it inside another movie, all your references change. For example, in your preloader, you use getBytesTotal in the mp3 player but when you load that onto the main page, its looking for the bytes of the main page not the mp3 player. Same with play != true, things like that you put this. infront of. You have to change all of your _root. lines in the mp3 player to this. Fix the references to the levels and it should work.