Mp3 pls

I have done an MP3 player using the info in a site. It has Play, Stop, Forward and Backward Buttons. Two MP3 files and an Xml file will be loaded when the movie is played. When the Movie is played the two MP3s are played consecutively. The user can also select the tracks at his convenience. This methop is apt for playing songs. But I want the MP3 to be playing continuously in loop until the user selects someother track. The code is as below:

playlist = new XML();
playlist.ignoreWhite = true;
playlist.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
_global.songname = [];
_global.songband = [];
_global.songfile = [];
for (var i = 0; i<playlist.firstChild.childNodes.length; i++) {
_global.songname* = playlist.firstChild.childNodes*;
_global.songfile* = playlist.firstChild.childNodes*.attributes.file;
trace(songname*+" "+songfile*);
_root.createEmptyMovieClip(“sound_mc”, 1);
_root.sound_mc.sound_obj = new Sound();
_global.song_nr = random(songfile.length);
_root.sound_mc.songStarter(songfile[song_nr], songname[song_nr]);
MovieClip.prototype.songStarter = function(file, name) {
this.sound_obj.loadSound(file, true);
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (this.sound_obj.position>0) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
this._parent.display_txt.text = name;
} else {
this._parent.display_txt.text = “loading…”;
this.sound_obj.onSoundComplete = function() {
(song_nr == songfiles.length-1) ? _global.song_nr=0 : _global.song_nr++;
_root.sound_mc.songStarter(songfiles[song_nr], songname[song_nr]);
btn_play.onRelease = function() {
this._parent.sound_mc.songStarter(songfile[song_nr], songname[song_nr]);
btn_stop.onRelease = function() {
btn_fw.onRelease = function() {
(song_nr == songfile.length-1) ? _global.song_nr=0 : _global.song_nr++;
_root.sound_mc.songStarter(songfile[song_nr], songname[song_nr]);
btn_rev.onRelease = function() {
(song_nr == 0) ? _global.song_nr=songfile.length-1 : _global.song_nr–;
_root.sound_mc.songStarter(songfile[song_nr], songname[song_nr]);

Thanks in advance