mp3 player trouble

I’ve built an player to load external mp3s but I have a glitch and I need help solving it. Hope someone has some usefull suggetions or tweaks to my code.

The player is a movie clip with 3 frames.

The 1st frame’s code is this:

display = “”;

The second this:

display = “loading…”;
song = new Sound();
song.loadSound(_root.content_holder.songSel[_root.content_holder.pick], true);
song.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {


and the 3rd is:

display = _root.content_holder.songTitle[_root.content_holder.pick];

And I have 4 buttons to control the playhead in such a way so that if you press play, it goes to 2. Stop goes to 1 and so on. The display shows the song title from and array and the external mp3 is also loaded from an array. the variable “pick” keeps track of which song is played out of the array.

Now it works great locally, but there must be something wrong with the way its coded because it doesnt work properly on-line.

I have Next and Previous buttons and it seems this is where the trouble is. When a song has already been loaded and played and then I come back to it (say I press Next song and then Previous song right after), the playhead goes to frame 2 and just starts playing the song while remaining on frame 2. Therefore the display holds at “loading” and the frame 3 is never reached.

Why does it work fine locally but not online?

Here’s a link to the actual site:
(go to “Music Clips”)

Thanks, any help would be greatly appreciated.