MP3playlist - HELP!

Hi everyone,

I am new to this site and I have to say its amazing, just what I was looking for.

I have figured how this MP3player works:

** BUT** my problem is, I cant get it to start playing as soon as the movie loads.
Instead of clicking the trak I want it to play then clicking the ‘play’ button before it starts playing, I want it to start playing the first track as soon as the movie loads.**

Can anyone help me please. I know its simple but I just cant figure it out, I am new to this.

Below is the Actioscript and XML:


formatTime = function (millisecs){
	var secs = Math.floor(millisecs/1000);
	var mins = Math.floor(secs/60);
	secs %= 60;
	if (secs < 10) secs = "0"+ secs;
	if (mins < 10) mins = "0"+ mins;
	return mins +":"+ secs;	

var snd = this.createEmptyMovieClip("SoundController", 1);

snd.init = function(){
	snd._sound = new Sound(this);
	this.isPlaying = false;
	this.position = 0;
	loadingbar_mc._xscale = 0;
	progressbar_mc._xscale = 0;
snd.loadSound = function(url){
	this._sound.loadSound(url, true);
snd.updateTime = function(){
	var time = formatTime(snd.position);
	if (time_txt.text != time) time_txt.text = time;
snd._sound.onSoundComplete = function(){
snd.onEnterFrame = function(){
	if (this.isPlaying) this.position = this._sound.position;
	this.loaded = this._sound.getBytesLoaded()/this._sound.getBytesTotal();
	loadingbar_mc._xscale = scrubber_mc._xscale * this.loaded;
	progressbar_mc._xscale = loadingbar_mc._xscale * this.position/this._sound.duration;

play_btn.onRelease = function(){
	if (!isPlaying){
		snd.isPlaying = true;
pause_btn.onRelease = function(){
	if (!snd.isPlaying) return (0);
	snd.position = snd._sound.position;
	snd.isPlaying = false;
stop_btn.onRelease = function(){
	snd.position = 0;
	snd.isPlaying = false;
prev_btn.onRelease = function(){
	if (snd.node){
		if (snd.node.previousSibling) SetSong(snd.node.previousSibling);
		else SetSong(snd.node.parentNode.lastChild)
next_btn.onRelease = function(){
	if (snd.node){
		if (snd.node.nextSibling) SetSong(snd.node.nextSibling);
		else SetSong(snd.node.parentNode.firstChild);

scrubber_mc.onPress = function(){
	if (!snd.loaded) return (0);
	var pos = this._xmouse/100;
	snd.position = Math.min(snd._sound.duration, pos * snd._sound.duration/snd.loaded);
	if (snd.isPlaying) snd._sound.start(snd.position/1000);

SetSong = function(node){
	snd.node = node;
	title_txt.text = node.attributes.title;	



XMLNode.prototype.moveBefore = function(beforeNode){
	if (this == beforeNode) return (0);
	beforeNode.parentNode.insertBefore( this.cloneNode(true), beforeNode);
Clamp = function(min, n, max){
	if (n<min) return min;
	if (n>max) return max;
	return n;

var song_spacing = 20;
var over_node;
GenerateSongListing = function(playlist_xml, target_mc){
	target_mc = target_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("list_mc",1);
	var songs = playlist_xml.firstChild.childNodes;
	for (var i=0; i<songs.length; i++){
		var song_mc = target_mc.attachMovie("song", "song"+i, i);
		song_mc._y = i*song_spacing;
		song_mc.node = songs*;
		song_mc.title_txt.text = songs*.attributes.title;
		song_mc.moved = false;
		song_mc.select_btn.onPress = function(){
			this._parent.onMouseMove = function(){
				if (!this.moved){
				    dragline_mc._visible = true;
			 dragline_mc._y = playlist_mc._y + this._y;
				 highlight_mc._visible = true;
			 highlight_mc._y = playlist_mc._y + this._y;
				    this.moved = true;
		song_mc.select_btn.onDragOver = function(){
			over_node = this._parent.node;
			dragline_mc._y = playlist_mc._y + this._parent._y;
		song_mc.onMouseUp = function(){
			if (this.onMouseMove){
				delete this.onMouseMove;
				dragline_mc._visible = false;
				highlight_mc._visible = false;
				if (this.moved){
			 GenerateSongListing(playlist_xml, playlist_mc);
		song_mc.select_btn.onRelease = function(){
			if (!this._parent.moved){

var playlist_xml = new XML();
playlist_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
playlist_xml.onLoad = function(success){
	if (success){
		GenerateSongListing(this, playlist_mc);
	}else trace("Error loading XML file"); // no success? trace error (wont be seen on web)

dragline_mc._visible = false;
highlight_mc._visible = false;
show_mc._visible = false;

show_btn.onRelease = function(){
	show_mc._visible = true;
	var songs = playlist_xml.firstChild.childNodes;
	show_mc.display_txt.text = playlist_xml;
	show_mc.display_txt.text = show_mc.display_txt.text.split(">").join(">


*I want the player to load and start playing the first track as soon as it loads.

Thanks and God Bless

Obed Brefo