MP3s not allowed with my web host

I use a free web host for a site but they don’t allow uploading of mp3 files (they filter and block them)

I want to offer visitors a choice of background music that would have to be streamed or loadMovied’ed as mp3 files, here lies the problem.

I thought a work-a-round would be to have a small empty movie off stage that contained the swf music file but I then thought that someone might have a more elegant solution.

I have a second question, please:

When you use loadMovie to download a swf file into a parent movieclip, what’s the best way of initially filling the parent movie BEFORE anything is downloaded, assume you use attatchMovie - is this correct ?

Many thanks


use a diff extension.

Flash should read it as an mp3, even though you have it named as music.txt or whatever…


beware, though. some servers look at the structure of the file for that exact reason (renaming). test it with a couple files first.

Thanks you, I shall try this out

i’d stick to keeping the mp3s in swfs - that way you can even use a preloader…

hm…not a bad idea. crafty, maybe even vile, yet genious.

anny may i love your footer!!!