hi every one, i have this movie clip where i have a button that calls another movieclip using mc_tween2.as but it won’t work…
i have the codes so you can see it.
this is the button which calls the movie clip not from inside but on the same frame and layer
onClipEvent (load) {
// Sets the first, default _alpha value
with(ease_con) {
_alpha = 0;
// Stores its original _x position on a variable for later using
xO = this._x;
on (rollOver) {
with (this.ease_con) {
// Makes it 100% opaque, on 0.5 seconds, using a linear transition
this.alphaTo (100, 0.5, "linear");
// Moves it a bit to the right, on 0.6 seconds, using the default animation (easeoutexpo, standard deacceleration)
this.tween("_x", this.xO + 20, 0.6);
on (rollOut) {
with (this.ease_con) {
// Makes it 50% transparent again, on 0.4 seconds, using a linear transition
this.alphaTo (0, 0.5, "linear");
// Moves it back to its original _x position, on 0.5 seconds, using the default animation again
this.tween("_x", this.xO, 0.5);