MSN Messager ! Post ur here!

Hello !

I whant to know your Hotmail/MSN mail !
Becouse I whant to add you to my list in MSN messager to chat about flash and stuff faster + viewing kirupa.

myn is

better than viewing the profile and copy past and blah blah blah…

Thanx ! :tb:

I guess there isn’t any harm in doing this, Mine is but do not invite me into big convos with your friends, I hate that. I would rather just keep it at simple talk about flash. This would be a good way to talk about flash, since it has faster results, or someone could make a Java or Flash based chat room for the Kirupa Kingdom. In fact there may have been a thread about this before.

I found some threads discussing a chat room, but it is best to keep it at your msn idea.

i am …

better cut and paste that one…lol :beam:

edit: that really is my email, its just long and crazy, but its legit

I’m not putting my msn address here! Too many people already :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

hey mista bliss, i’ve been staring at the floating piggy for about 8 minutes i think

Soul I have yours check your msn ! LOL :ub:

and thanx.

any more ?

Howd you get that? :angry:

  • Soul :s:

Do you have me ? :!:

hey why are you so boring ? LOL ! :flower:

Maybe its a J/K !

I got it from a BIG ART page !

you know who it is ?

You guys should avoid putting your full email on any type of open webspace where they can be taken by spam bots…they gobble up your email…

i don’t give a darn, that email is already corrupted, this idiot decided to subcribe it to just about every pron site on the web cuz he’s an immature sonnofablith. haha. but you’re right for sure. here, everyone should have a page like this.

oh, and dude, i have a tshirt that says what your footer does… heheh



hahaha, sweet. thanks!

If you guys want to know my MSN name, it is

add me to your buddy lists if ya want. if you dont know who i am, ask around people will tell you =)

btw, im also on AIM, dredsterflash is my im name.

=) happy im’ing.

Oh mine, is

msn: cubic_a at hotmail dot com
yahoo: swf_builder
aim: geekyPixel

add me to your list if you want :beam:

msn -

aim - Cheez209

yahoo - PlayaCheez

icq - 332444398