I am working on an Array that is in a movie clip which is on a scene. The attachMovie function is working and duplicating the array’s movie clip but none of the data in the array is showing and I don’t why this is happening. Here is the code:
//Array with all our information
memberInfo = [["1", "info"], ["2", "info"], ["3", "info"], ["4", "info"]];
//Starting x & y values
var xPos = 150;
var yPos = 60;
//For loop to attach our container movieclip and pass the array information
for (i=0; i<memberInfo.length; i++) {
//attach the container clip
attachMovie("container", "new"+i, i, {_x:xPos, _y:yPos});
//increase the y postion each time
yPos += this["new"+i]._height+5;
//add the information
this["new"+i].name.text = memberInfo*[0];
this["new"+i].interest.text = memberInfo*[1];
Anyone have any advise?