Multi-Dimensional Arrays and attachMovie question

I am working on an Array that is in a movie clip which is on a scene. The attachMovie function is working and duplicating the array’s movie clip but none of the data in the array is showing and I don’t why this is happening. Here is the code:

//Array with all our information
memberInfo = [["1", "info"], ["2", "info"], ["3", "info"], ["4", "info"]];
//Starting x & y values
var xPos = 150;
var yPos = 60;
//For loop to attach our container movieclip and pass the array information
for (i=0; i<memberInfo.length; i++) {
	//attach the container clip
	attachMovie("container", "new"+i, i, {_x:xPos, _y:yPos});
	//increase the y postion each time
	yPos += this["new"+i]._height+5;
	//add the information
	this["new"+i].name.text = memberInfo*[0];
	this["new"+i].interest.text = memberInfo*[1];

Anyone have any advise?

ive just tested it and… it looks fine. check to names of the textboxes are correct otherwise it looks should work.

The text boxes are named the same way, I am wondering if “this” would be appropriate syntax for a movie in a movie on the scene? Would this make any difference? I really don’t know what else it could be?