Multipe createEmptyMovieClip problems

Ok, so I am using a basic stamp and processing to create an interface in flash. So far I have it draw a line from the middle of the stage to the x-y of my custom mouse when you push a button. That’s the easy part.

What I am trying desperatley to do is to make each line stay on screen, and when you press the button a new line is drawn. This is where the problem is. Right now it’s erasing the old line and drawing a new one every time.

I have tried everything under the sky that my basic knowledge can think of. It seems that what I need is to name each new EmptyMovieClip with an increasing number at the end (like “line1” then :“line2” etc) but when I try that I can’t get the lineStyle and moveTo commands to recognize the names.

Any suggestions? And let me know if I need to explain my problem more…

Here is the part of my Actionscript:

inVarY = (inData[0]*2);
inVarX = (inData[1]*2);
btnVar = (inData[2]);

	if (btnVar == 0){

function makeLine(){


Thanks in advance,