I’m going to make an online multiplayer game, with the classic theme of spaceships flying around and shooting eachother. I need some advice before I start to make plans for the core of this system.
The GUI is Flash 8, have thought of a “game engine”/server made in .NET framework, and a SQL Server as database.
I’m not sure where to put all the game calculations, as enemies, hit tests and such. Should the players just send in information of what button they press to the server, and let the server calculate their spaceships position, or should this be calculated at the players computer? What should be sent to/from the server, the buttons that have been pressed or the spaceships and other things x/y-position and rotation?
If someone have any recomendations, I would appreciate some help before I start my project!:}
Ok, have started out planning. The basics of the game, handling the movement of the ships, will have to work before I do the rest, and I have made a scheme over this at http://henxon.mine.nu/blandat/multiplayer.png