Multiplayer games in mx please

hey peeps… can anybody help me with this??

i’ve been wondering if any of you know of any tutorial or site which teaches how to make a game accommodate multiplayers…
i use flash mx now… just thought i’d say that coz sometimes the codes get different or weird or something.

thanks for your help. :slight_smile:

How ‘multiplayer’ do you mean? If we’re talking network style games then I have no idea. But if you’re after two people playing a game using the same keyboard, then yes it’s entirely possible. All you’d need is to have one set of keys for one player and another for the second. There’s a good few examples at Although I don’t think they show the source code.

I believe it is very complicated. Some sockets involved, don’t ask me what it is…
And Globz, yeah, that’s French I think. They worked with, another French firm, who (I think) sell their multiplayer sockets.

pom :asian:

whoa! didn’t think it was that complex… maybe that’s why most of the flash games around are mostly single player huh???

well, il try to check it out more and il just post back so i can share my research too.

thanks again!