Multiple add child? from array?

hi all,

the script below is for a smooth random movement around the stage with a single instance of a clip (Player) loaded from the library.

can anyone tell me how i can tell the package shown below that i want it to replicate the instance “player” on the stage multiple times and still keep the random movement for each instance of Player?

so there are multiple clips all scooting around the stage at will?

would an array solve it? i’m not sure what i should be looking to do?

	import flash.display.MovieClip;
	public class Main extends MovieClip
		// player settings
		private var _moveSpeedMax:Number = 1000;
		private var _rotateSpeedMax:Number = 15;
		private var _decay:Number = .98;
		private var _destinationX:int = 150;
		private var _destinationY:int = 150;
		private var _minX:Number = 0;
		private var _minY:Number = 0;
		private var _maxX:Number = 550;
		private var _maxY:Number = 400;
		// player
		private var _player:MovieClip;
		// global
		private var _dx:Number = 0;
		private var _dy:Number = 0;
		private var _vx:Number = 0;
		private var _vy:Number = 0;
		private var _trueRotation:Number = 0;
		 * Constructor
		public function Main()
			// create player object
			// add listeners
			stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler);
		 * Creates player
		private function createPlayer():void
			_player = new Player();
			_player.x = stage.stageWidth / 2;
			_player.y = stage.stageHeight / 2;
		 * EnterFrame Handlers
		private function enterFrameHandler(event:Event):void
		 * Calculate Rotation
		private function updateRotation():void
			// calculate rotation
			_dx = _player.x - _destinationX;
			_dy = _player.y - _destinationY;
			// which way to rotate
			var rotateTo:Number = getDegrees(getRadians(_dx, _dy));
			// keep rotation positive, between 0 and 360 degrees
			if (rotateTo > _player.rotation + 180) rotateTo -= 360;
			if (rotateTo < _player.rotation - 180) rotateTo += 360;
			// ease rotation
			_trueRotation = (rotateTo - _player.rotation) / _rotateSpeedMax;
			// update rotation
			_player.rotation += _trueRotation;
		 * Calculate Position
		private function updatePosition():void
			// update velocity
			_vx += (_destinationX - _player.x) / _moveSpeedMax;
			_vy += (_destinationY - _player.y) / _moveSpeedMax;
			// if close to target
			if (getDistance(_dx, _dy) < 50)
			// apply decay (drag)
			_vx *= _decay;
			_vy *= _decay;
			// update position
			_player.x += _vx;
			_player.y += _vy;
		 * updateCollision
		protected function updateCollision():void
			// Check X
			// Check if hit top
			if (((_player.x - _player.width / 2) < _minX) && (_vx < 0))
			  _vx = -_vx;
			// Check if hit bottom
			if ((_player.x + _player.width / 2) > _maxX && (_vx > 0))
			  _vx = -_vx;
			// Check Y
			// Check if hit left side
			if (((_player.y - _player.height / 2) < _minY) && (_vy < 0))
			  _vy = -_vy
			// Check if hit right side
			if (((_player.y + _player.height / 2) > _maxY) && (_vy > 0))
			  _vy = -_vy;
		 * Calculates a random destination based on stage size
		private function getRandomDestination():void
			_destinationX = Math.random() * (_maxX - _player.width) + _player.width / 2;
			_destinationY = Math.random() * (_maxY - _player.height) + _player.height / 2;
		 * Get distance
		 * @param	delta_x
		 * @param	delta_y
		 * @return
		public function getDistance(delta_x:Number, delta_y:Number):Number
			return Math.sqrt((delta_x*delta_x)+(delta_y*delta_y));
		 * Get radians
		 * @param	delta_x
		 * @param	delta_y
		 * @return
		public function getRadians(delta_x:Number, delta_y:Number):Number
			var r:Number = Math.atan2(delta_y, delta_x);
			if (delta_y < 0)
				r += (2 * Math.PI);
			return r;
		 * Get degrees
		 * @param	radians
		 * @return
		public function getDegrees(radians:Number):Number
			return Math.floor(radians/(Math.PI/180));

:batman: ?
:mr_t: ?