Multiple duplicate movieclips?

Is it possible to use duplicate movieclip on two different movieclips in the same flash movie? Do they need to be on different layers? I tried to do this following the duplicatemovieclip tutorial, but I always get one movieclip showing up and not the other.:book:

So I use this:

dupMovie = function () {
    for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
        circle.duplicateMovieClip("circle"+i, i, {_x:Math.random()*300, _y:Math.random()*200, _alpha:Math.random()*50});
        with (eval("circle"+i)) {
            _xscale = _yscale=Math.random()*300;

then Lets say I try to make another movieclip, a square, I do this:

dupMovie = function () {
    for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
        square.duplicateMovieClip("square"+i, i, {_x:Math.random()*300, _y:Math.random()*200, _alpha:Math.random()*50});
        with (eval("square"+i)) {
            _xscale = _yscale=Math.random()*300;