Hi guys !
Really confused with this one ! - I am loading 2 external text files into my SWF…
I believe that my action script is correct as it works pefect offline…
However as soon as I uploaded it to my webspace, both text boxes have the “undefined” text sitting there…
The problem doesn’t exsist when I only have 1 external text file loaded… but more than 1 I get the problem !
Any ideas ?? I’d be really grateful !
//load 1st text file
myData1 = new LoadVars();
myData1.onLoad = function() {
myText_txt1.htmlText = this.content;
//load 2nd text file
myData2 = new LoadVars();
myData2.onLoad = function() {
myText_txt2.htmlText = this.content2;
var myformat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
myformat.tabStops = [300];