Multiple forms on a page - Using a single validaton script?

I’ve got a problem trying to validate multiple forms -when the user submits any of the 3 forms, the validation code will validate the other 2 forms as well.

<form action="php/signupform.php" method="post" name="signup" id="signup" class="smallcontact" onsubmit="return Verify(this);">

<form action="php/questionform.php" method="post" name="askquestion" id="askquestion" class="smallcontact" onsubmit="return Verify(this);">

<form action="php/contactform.php" method="post" name="contactform" id="contactform"  onsubmit="return Verify(this);">

The JS that checks the email input looks like this:

    var checkEmail = document.getElementById('signupemail').value;
    if ((checkEmail.indexOf('@') < 0) ||  ((checkEmail.charAt(checkEmail.length-4) != '.') &&  (checkEmail.charAt(checkEmail.length-3) != '.')))
        errors += "- You have entered an invalid email address.
        return false;
    var checkEmail = document.getElementById('questionemail').value;
    if ((checkEmail.indexOf('@') < 0) ||  ((checkEmail.charAt(checkEmail.length-4) != '.') &&  (checkEmail.charAt(checkEmail.length-3) != '.')))
        errors += "- You have entered an invalid email address.
        //return false;
    var checkEmail = document.getElementById('contactemail').value;
    if ((checkEmail.indexOf('@') < 0) ||  ((checkEmail.charAt(checkEmail.length-4) != '.') &&  (checkEmail.charAt(checkEmail.length-3) != '.')))
        errors += "- You have entered an invalid email address.
        //return false;

Oh yes, the Submit button code looks like this:

<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" class="submit"/>