Hello everyone!
I’ve been browsing this forum for a long time, and I wanted to make an account so I could actually communicate with it’s members.
Currently I’m working on a game engine with a friend of mine, we plan to make it open source so other people can use it too for their own games…
We basically have everything done, but I really want to add multiple ground instance support.
To get more in-depth…
I would like to use an Array, to call upon all ground layers on the stage, and put it into one call name for my gravity function. So I wouldn’t have to have various strings for each ground instance.
I know I’m probably no where close… but this is my attempt.
var groundArray:Array = [ground, ground2, ground3];
var groundtile:MovieClip = groundArray[1];
This is my gravity…
function heroGravity(e:Event) {
if (jumping) {
Suoh.y -= yspeed;
if (Suoh.hitTestObject(groundtile)) {
jumping = false;
inAir = false;
Suoh.y -= yspeed;
if (!Suoh.y < groundtile.y && jumping == true) {
yspeed -= gravity;
if (Suoh.hitTestObject(groundtile)) {
Suoh.y = groundtile.y;
if (!Suoh.hitTestObject(groundtile)) {
yspeed -= yacceleration;
if (!Suoh.y < groundtile.y) {
yspeed -= yacceleration;
What I have so far works perfect without arrays…
When I add my above array, I don’t get any errors… but I fall through the ground.
Would anyone mind helping me?
I’ve been trying at this for quite some time now and I can’t seem to nail it…