Multiple javascript popups... How can I?

I found your “Using JavaScript to Open New Window” ( ) tutorial very helpful… However I am now trying to create a flash portfolio with many pop up windows. It seems this script will only call up one window. How can I call up multiple javascript popups that are sized?? any help would be greatly appreciated!:hr:

when you click on the button try using gotoAndPlay like this:

on (release) {
in frame 5 insert the code for the first pop-up, in frame 7 the code for the second pop-up, …and so on.

It worked for me.
Good luck.


You can open as many pop up windows as you want as long as
you name them differently.

What you want do to that code in the tutorial is:

Make the Launch function (in JavaScript) accept a second parameter for the name of the window to be opened. like so:

<!-- Begin 
function Launch(page, winName) { 
OpenWin =, winName, "toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,width=550,height=250"); 
// End --> 

And when you call it pass that name of the window to the function as well as the url. like:


to open a new window:


to open new content on the first window:


and so on…