hello all.
I have this code which i use to loop through an array and it works great
here it is.
NOTE: It loops through an array and INSERTS each item into it individually. $item_id is created by mysql_insert_id().
foreach ($form['material'] as $id){
$insertQuery = "INSERT INTO cms_item_material (item_id, material_id)
VALUES ('$item_id', '$id')";
if (!$result = $connector->query($insertQuery)){
$warnings[] = 'material '.$id.'';
Its not so much as a problem but i was wondering would this way be better as it only outputs one error (if there is one) instead of and array error list.
NOTE: not sure if this the correct syntax but its for the idea.
$insertQuery = "INSERT INTO cms_item_material (item_id, material_id) VALUES "
$numberOf = count($form['material']);
$count = 0;
while ($count <= $numberOf)
$insertQuery .= '(\'.'$item_id.'\', \''.$form['material']['$count'].'\')'
if($count != $numberOf){
$insertQuery .=',';
$count ++;
if ($result = $connector->query($insertQuery)){
return 'items added';