Multiple nested movieclip access problem


I have created a file which has a movieclip named mc_shape on the first frame. Inside mc_shape, I have mc_shape1 on the first frame, mc_shape2 on the second frame and mc_shape3 on the third frame (all instances of different movieclips). There is no stop(); on any of the frames

Now, I am trying to access the inner movieclips with the following code on the main timeline:

import ;
mc_shape.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showData) ;
function showData(e:Event) {
if(mc_shape.currentFrame == 1){
trace("Shape 1: " + mc_shape.mc_shape1) ;
if(mc_shape.currentFrame == 2){
trace("Shape 2: " + mc_shape.mc_shape2) ;
if(mc_shape.currentFrame == 3){
trace("Shape 3: " + mc_shape.mc_shape3) ;

Now, when I run the program, it gives me null for mc_shape1 and mc_shape2 but returns a movieclip reference for mc_shape3. I ran the file in debug mode and found that only mc_shape3 is getting recognized as a movieclip in the variables window while the others have null against them.

I then added a mc_shape4 to the main clip (so, now, mc_shape had 4 frames with a child movie clip on each frame). When I run that file, I only get a reference of mc_shape4 and all others are null.

Seems like CS3 is only recognizing the last frame’s movie clip. Any idea what is going on here? I do need to access each movieclip individually. There is no other option. But I don’t know where I am going wrong.

Thanks in advance for your replies.