Multiple object hitting each other-problem

Hi All!
I havent wrote here for ages.Now i stucked in an issue.
So here comes:

There are 3 box in a MovieClip. They move to separate direction when they are contacted with the mouse.Its working fine.But!
When i want to hit each other.its not working.

i know that i should do this with for loop,i searched the net for several solvation,but couldnt find any.

when i call the 3 box they are linked with a file
so maybe here is the place where i need to write something:

for(var i:Number=0;i<container.numChildren;i++){
var boxes=container.getChildAt(i)

That kind of thing is not working.I read article that talked about multiple for- loops.
So they are in the same Array.
Anyone have any idea about this?:slight_smile:

I tried to get some info out of bounching balls simmulations,but they are a litle bit overpower for me.Cant navigate easily between the lines.

Any help would be nice!
I just need tip or something to deal with:)
