Multiple scrollbar asignments

Hello everyone,

I have an anoying problem I hope someone can help me with. On a movie, I have 2 different textfields and I would like to use only one scollbar that will work on either of the textfields depending on which one is being used. I am using the following code to change the scrollbar targets :


Not only does the scrollbar not show up in the movie but it just won’t work.

Can this be done and if so, … well, help!?!

I switch between both text fields when I click different buttons. If I click a specific one, it gives me content in one textfield and if I click on another button, it gives my content in a different textfield. The reason why I have 2 different textfields in this situation is because the size of both of them is different but the location is the same.

Thank you.

Barzalou1 :sleep: