Ok, I have 3 flash files (main, maingallery, gallery1). MAINGALLERY gets loaded into MAIN fine with no problems (I load the maingallery.swf from a button on the MAIN page).
The GALLERY1.swf is loaded into the MAINGALLERY the same way the MAINGALLERY is loaded into the MAIN page. When I do a ‘test movie’ on the MAINGALLERY page, everything is fine.
The problem comes when I am on the MAIN page and click the button on the MIANGALLERY to call up the GALLERY1. Instead of bringing up the gallery1.swf where I set it, it just pops up and removes the instance of the MIANGALLERY alltogether…When I test it separetely though, it works fine. Just when I load both, the maingalley and galley1, into the MAIN page does it not work…
How do you load an SWF into an SWF, which in turn is to be loaded into an FLA???
I would really appreciate ANY help ya’ll can give…
from what you have said, you should re-read because you’ve basically answered your own problem.
the MAINGALLERY is loading into say _root.placeholder then within that swf you are calling GALLERY1 to load…which should be loading into _root.placeholder.placeholder
same as what you’ve got (I imagine) only adding .placeHolder to what is already there, therefore it is targeting the placeHolder (second) in the movie loaded in the first placeHolder. Exactly what I said in previous post. maybe you are a post behind with following.
I’m sorry, what I meant was that I have never used a placeholder before. I am usure as to code that. Right now I just have the SWF files being loaded by buttons like this (taken from Kirupa’s tutorial on Building a Full Site)…
On MAIN page on (release) {
On MAINGALLERY page on (release) {
I really appreciate you taking the time to look at my problems…