Hello all!
On my flash site, I have a home.swf which consists of a set of buttons and a container movie clip which I am loading in the different pages (swfs) into so that my site is nicely split up.
When you click on the particular button, “collections”, a new page (swf) loads into the container movie clip, which is fine.
Then, inside this swf, I have another container movie clip with the instance name “pictures_mc”. If you click the bedrooms button it will load a 3rd swf which will be a photoreel.
For some reason which I cannot fathom, the photoreel will not load into the “pictures_mc”. When I preview it in on it’s own, it works but when it’s loaded through the home.swf, it doesn’t work.
As I’m new to this, I’m wondering if it’s something to do with the numerous container mcs and levels? I figured that seeing as they are in seperate swfs, they should all play together.
I’ve included the files so I was wondering if anyone can have a look or offer any advice, I’d be very greatful!
Thanks so much, Ian.