Music Button newbie question

Do you guys know a nice tutorial about a music button in AS 3? I already have this file from another thread here, where a sound button is made on a single frame and the code goes like this:

var soundOn:Boolean = true; //music is ON when we start
var myMusic:TitleMusic = new TitleMusic();
var myChannel:SoundChannel =,1000); // endless loop, in effect
var myTransform:SoundTransform;

mySoundButton.buttonMode = true;
mySoundButton.mouseChildren = false;

function toggleSound(e:MouseEvent)
// turn sound off
myTransform = new SoundTransform();
myTransform.volume = 0; // silent
myChannel.soundTransform = myTransform;
soundOn = false;
mySoundButton.myButtonText.text = “click to turn sound ON”;
else // sound is off
// turn sound on
myTransform = new SoundTransform();
myTransform.volume = 1; // full volume
myChannel.soundTransform = myTransform;
soundOn = true;
mySoundButton.myButtonText.text = “click to turn sound OFF”;

The problem is that I want to gave NO music at the start of the scene and when the button is pressed the music to start playing. What do I need to change here? Or i need to start the whole thing from scratch?
I have attached the file … Thanks!