Music Playing Thru Multiple Scenes?

Is it possible to have one continuous music file play through a movie with several different scenes? I don’t want the song to restart with each scene, I just want it to be one stream.

Thanks for any help!

of course… since your using flash 5 you can’t dynamically load mp3’s so you’ll have to run a few searches.

if you create a html file that displays your main swf and also create a small swf file i.e the width of the browser insert that below the main content through html. you will need to look at inserting multiple swf files into one html page. the mp3 file will work if you set it to stream so the lenght of the swf is the same amount of frames as the music lenght. I dont know any of the script off the top of my head Sorry :frowning:

Thank you guys so very much! It worked and I never even considered it before. Life savers!!! :slight_smile:

no problem at all. Glad to help :p: