Must Try!

3D tic tac toe!

4 player areas, multiplayer(2), remember: all 4 areas are one gaming arena all in one, hence 3D.

Got the link from a book my teacher bought. “Flash MX ActionScript Bible”… hehe…

GIVE IT A TRY :stuck_out_tongue:

Way too cool…


everyone has to check this out…


Staus (eilsoe): Wins(2, over Revv) :evil: Lost(3, mobus)

nobody likes a gloting Dutchman…


[SIZE=1]:: turns, kicks the dirt, and runs away ::[/SIZE]


I definitely can’t think in 3d, this is hard :frowning:

I won once though… better than 0… MUCH!!!

I retire a winner…

:stuck_out_tongue: :beam: :stuck_out_tongue:

Rev:elderly:[edit] [/edit]

man i forgot to get my stats =) hehe o well =)
good game Rev and i love this game =)

So awesome =)

Rev: I’m not dutch! :o

You’re a cheese danish!


I’m a devious cheesy transsexual so-and-so monkey-worm-danish!

I think I got all of it :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**Rev: I’m not dutch! :o **

Pardon me…

Nobody likes a gloting Great Dane…



[SIZE=1]:: the PS2 is calling me :::[/SIZE]