Hello, I need help making a mute button. I’ve been searching around for examples but there are none to be found.
I need a button that doesn’t ‘stop all sound’ but something to set the volume to 0 and then back up to 100. I’ve tried playing around w/ the setVolume script but I don’t really know what I’m doing.
Ideally the button would use script to get the volume of ALL SOUND in the movie and if the volume is greater than 1 turn it should set it to 0 and if it’s less than 1 set the volume to 100. It should not stop all sound. ex. when you turn sound back on, it should start off where it left off (not from the beginning of the clip).
I dont need any fancy sliders. It will be one simple button that you press it once, it mutes the volume and again will turn the volume up. Just like the mute button on a tv remote.
Thanks in advance, GA