MX 2004 Tab Index problems

I am having a problem with my tab index scripting. I have 4 text input boxes (they have to be arranged right to left) and when the user gets to that frame, I want them to start in the first box (farthest right) and as they enter information (in this case they are just entering single digits) it automatically takes them to the next box etc.

I put the following script for my tab index in the first frame where the input boxes show up:

d1try_txt.tabIndex = 1;
d2try_txt.tabIndex = 2;
d3try_txt.tabIndex = 3;
d4try_txt.tabIndex = 4;

but it is still going the default left to right.
I haven’t even attempted the script that will just take me to the next box without even hitting a key.

I have tried all kinds of code from the forums and tutorials, but nothing is working. I know this is something very simple and I am just a flash moron, but could someone clue me in?