Hi all, I am somewhat confused by how exactly variables should be used by Flash and its action script.
when creating dynamic text you can set a variable name for the text which I’m presuming will store the value of whatever is entered into this box?
However I have also seen variables being created directly withiin the action script itself using var <variablename> or var newValue.
Now how are these two variables, or methods of creating a variable different from each other or are they interchangeable i.e. if I create a text box and give it a variable name would this be the same as creating a variable in the action script itself?
Also what is the correct way of creating a variable in the code itself and secondly how should the variable value be obtained such as if X variable = 6 then what is the correct procedure for retrieving that value from X?
I know that in php you can echo the variable to retrieve its value?
Carrying on from this are dynamic text box variable values accessable from within all button functions or would they be specific to each object i.e. a button?
I have got some events which operate using a button (on release) command, within this there is a value being stored. Would this variable value be accessible by other button events or is the variable only local to each button itself?
Any help on this would be much appreciated,