If anyone can help me with this question I would be very grateful.
I have a movie clip (1). When I click on 1, I would like to move a second clip (2) to another position along the x axis. This I know how to do. What I’m not sure of it how to code it to decelerate as it approaches it’s final position.
In the tutorial, the target for the movement is only itself. I’m having trouble tatgeting a second clip to move.
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
[COLOR=darkred](I need to set the _x of clip2)[/COLOR]
_x = 0;
speed = 5;
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
[COLOR=darkred](I need clip2 to move to a specific _x value)[/COLOR]
endX = _root._xmouse;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
[COLOR=darkred](and decelerate)[/COLOR]
_x += (endX-_x)/speed;
I hope I’m asking the question correctly, I’m a newbie
Yeah, when people post the same question in multiple sections it tends to get really confusing when answering them. I saw this thread and got all mixed up because I coulda SWORN I replied to it, but I didn’t see any replies from me in here.
Then I found the other one and noticed it was posted twice.