[mx] Co-ordinates?

Could anyone point me in the direction of the tutorial that teaches how to apply coordinates to movies that will be externally loaded? I’ve seen it around somewhere but I can’t seem to find it again.
It’ll be something like :
x_coordinate =
y_coordinate =

~ Seretha

p.s. thanks for all the eariler help subquark but i really need to use it this way for the time being.

You’ll have to set a little preloader to know when your movie is fully loaded:

  var l=yourContainer.getBytesLoaded();
  var t=yourContainer.getBytesTotal();
  if (l > 0 && l >=t){

Untested, but it should look like that.

pom :cowboy:

thank you very much. that is exactly the thing i’ve been looking for. it’s already running fine … now just to do the fine detailing.

~ Seretha