[MX]combobox var

I am trying pass a variable to php using a combobox. I can do it using a text box because it has a place I can give the text box a variable name. The combobox does not have a place to give it a variable name.

I am trying to pass the data column of the combobox as a variable to php?

Comboboxes have instance names, and an index. Look at the tutes a bit :slight_smile:

Sorry can’t seem to crack the code, can someone else give me a clue? :eye:

This is what I got to do that I assigned the code to a button in the file. I just gave the comboBox an instance name of list and put this code for the button

this.loadVariables(“profile.php”, “POST”);

It makes a variable called memberName the value of what is currently selected in the list, then sends that variable using loadVariables

Hope this helps ya.