I’ve come accross loadMovieNum and loadMovie, I can use them to have the swf load up in to the top left hand corner but I can’t seem to find out how to script it to the area I want it to load to.
I’ve come accross loadMovieNum and loadMovie, I can use them to have the swf load up in to the top left hand corner but I can’t seem to find out how to script it to the area I want it to load to.
Create MC, and load it there. you naw can place it where you like.
you can do something like this:
create an mc like “storing_mc” and use this script:
and you can use properties too:
storing_mc._x = any-value;
storing_mc._y = another-value;
with this it’s easy to put your movie into anyplace in the stage.
Good stuff, I got the result that I wanted. Nice one for that Richie.
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