[MX] loadMovie _root reference query

i’m loading movies into a movieclip in my main movie using the loadMovie command.

each movie that’s loaded has actionScript that references variables and functions on the _root, which means that when the movie is loaded into another movieclip the _root becomes the _root of the movie it’s loaded into rather than the _root of the movie itself.

is there any way round this problem? the only solution i can think of is to replace all the references to _root in the movie with _parent._parent etc, to get to its own main timeline rather than that of the movie into which it’s loading.

this is inconvenient, as i have upwards of 30 movies i want to load into the main movie (not all at once, obviously) and i don;t want to have to go through each one changing the actionSctipt.

would it help if i loaded the movies into levels rather than movieclips?

thanks in advance to anyone who can help
