MX mouseListener/attachMovie, help

I’m simply trying to do this (MX 2004):
Click the screen, and have an MC play at that position. In the mc I am attaching, there is a stop() on the first frame and the last frame has a done=true;

problem 1- For some reason, when you click the screen, the fire mc loads but only plays the 2nd frame like a gotoAndStop instead of a playing the mc entirely. (thats why I tried the onEnterFrame) If I remove the stop() in the first frame, everything seems to work like I want it to except that creates the problem of the mc playing once when the stage loads.

problem 2- the fire mc is not being removed when it is finished playing.

the following is one variation I tried. I have the mc named fire on the stage. Originaly, I wanted to do a createMovieClip instead of attachMovie but had even less luck with that.

i = 1;
var mouseListener:Object = new Object();
mouseListener.onMouseUp = function() {
_root.attachMovie(“fire”, “fire”+i, i);
obj = _root[“fire”+i];
obj._x = _root._xmouse;
obj._y = _root._ymouse;
obj.gotoAndPlay (2);
fire.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (_root[“fire”+i].done) {