[MX] problem with function

On the main timeline, layer as, I have the function goPage:

function goPage (whichWay) {
	_root.content.destinationFrame = _root.content._currentFrame+whichWay;
	_root.content.alphaChange = -20;
	//trace("function goPage OK");

On a movieclip (instance name “content”) I set:

onClipEvent(load) {

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
	_root.C.frameatual = "( " + _root.content._currentframe;
	_root.C.framestotal = "/ " + _root.content._totalframes + " )";
	if(_alpha<1) {
	_root.C.frameatual = "( " + _root.content._currentframe;
	_root.C.framestotal = "/ " + _root.content._totalframes + " )";
	if(_alpha>100) {

on the btn “next” I set:


on the “previous” btn:


[color=red] When I hit the next btn the content does not go to the next frame. It goes to the last one. I used this actions in another work and it works fine. What is happening here?[/color]


Well, Im not sure, but you are sending “+1” to the goPage-function as a parameter.

Then, in goPage, you are adding “+1” to currentFrame, resulting in the expression:

currentFrame + +1

I mean, if you send “-1” that is a number (minus one), but if you are sending “+1” that is an expression (ADD one - not a simple one).

Try just sending “1” in the goPage-next call, and leave the “-1” in the goPage-previous call, and perhaps it will work.

I tried that but it doesnt work!
I think it might be something with the swf that is loaded into the movieclip.
Its has some layers with text, mcs, fotos, like a page of a book. And there are some actions and empty movieclips. Sometimes I think its misunderstanding something and cant go to the next frame stooping at the last one.
Thanks for helping!!!
Comeback if I find something else.


function goPage (whichWay) {
        _root.content.destinationFrame = _root.content._currentFrame+Number(whichWay);
        _root.content.alphaChange = -20;
        //trace("function goPage OK");

one quick thing I noticed skimming


should be
