[MX] Rollout

Oh yea it’s me again. Hope you can help me outta this one.
I’ve used various codes to make this script but the rollout won’t work (it did work when i loaded it with loadmovienum and unloadmovienum) but I cant figure out how to place the image where I want it except with this code. Once again thank you very much for your help!

on (rollOver) {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip(“container”, 1);
loadMovie(“mainmenu.swf”, “container”);
container._x = 180 ;
container._y = 200 ;
on (rollOut) {


…Or maybe is there a way to position it without using the container?

Ok, I didn’t test this, but since you create the empty movie clip on every rollOver, why not delete it on the rollOut? And there is another way to write the loadMovie()

Try this…

on (rollOver) {
	_root.createEmptyMovieClip("container", 1);
	_root.container._x = 180;
	_root.container._y = 200;
on (rollOut) {

Wow Beta you truly ARE amazing. Thanks and it works great.

~ Seretha

Well not really, but thanks :love:

I am glad I could fix it :beam: