[MX] Scripting UI components - NOT WORKING!

The rundown:
Ok here’s the deal. I hope that somebody knows how to script the new Flash UI components, because I don’t seem to be able to. I have a combobox with the instance name “box1” and a pushbutton with an instance name “play1”.

The problem:
Each selection in “box1” has a scene I want to go to when “play1” is clicked. If the script below is added to “play1” and I run the movie, all the trace() commands work just fine, but the “_root.gotoAndPlay(“scene whatever”, 1);” doesn’t work at all. (The trace() commands were added to see if my if(){} statements are working, and they appear to be).

In essence, I was hoping somebody could help me out. If you need a file attachment, I MAY be able to (not at home right now).

//Script for “play1”:
// Code
on (release) {
if (_root.box1.getSelectedIndex() == 0) {
_root.gotoAndPlay(“scene 0”, 1);
trace(“scene 0, 1”);
if (_root.box1.getSelectedIndex() == 1) {
_root.gotoAndPlay(“scene 1”, 1);
trace(“scene 1, 1”);
if (_root.box1.getSelectedIndex() == 2) {
_root.gotoAndPlay(“scene 2”, 1);
trace(“scene 2, 1”);
if (_root.box1.getSelectedIndex() == 3) {
_root.gotoAndPlay(“scene 3”, 1);
trace(“scene 3, 1”);
if (_root.box1.getSelectedIndex() == 4) {
_root.gotoAndPlay(“scene 4”, 1);
trace(“scene 4, 1”);
if (_root.box1.getSelectedIndex() == 5) {
_root.gotoAndPlay(“scene 5”, 1);
trace(“scene 5, 1”);
// End

P.S. this does have formatting

  1. Scenes are evil :stuck_out_tongue:

  2. Is your combobox and actions on the _root timeline (not in a movie clip)?

  3. I may need to see a source.

  1. Scenes ARE evil. Should I use loadMovie or whatever it is? (never ever done this before)

  2. Everything is in _root.

  3. I can post I guess… Say if you want it, but I would like only a minimal number of people w/ this file, until beta version is complete.

You can post a link to it in a PM to me if you would like.

I don’t know much about the subject, but I can give it a whirl :slight_smile:

I’ll do that now…

Did you try to use labels? It helps sometimes…

pom :asian:

I got it Ilyas :slight_smile:

The file was fixed and sent back :slight_smile:


Morse wasn’t using a click handler on the button (component as well) to process the data so it wasn’t working.

Oups. :x

I learned it from your building a form with components tutorial :slight_smile:

Thanks Ilyas, couldn’t have done it without you :slight_smile:
(as usual)

Always a pleasure :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know what I would do without you Ilyas :slight_smile:


Hey, stop it, you’re scaring me, lost… :stuck_out_tongue:


I managed to scare both you and Phil in one night.

I think that is a new record for me. I wonder if I can scare more than that…hmmm.

I think Rev holds the record for scaring people though, when he had his GELF avatar and footer (if you saw that).
