[MX]small annoyance

not really a huge deal, just a minor annoyance

ok i have my panel layout set and saved the way i want it

when i load flash up, all other panels are fine, but the library is NEVER there
i always have to pres F11 which pisses me right off
this happen to anyone else and if so, wtf?

happened in 5.0 as well. I can’t seem to ever keep my actions or library panels open.

I do however like some of their default layouts.

might try looking under preferences panel. I think it’s in the “edit” menu. I seem to remember that saving the preferences would help stablize some of my panels in 5.0.

I’ve never had this problem, thankfully.

Mine seems to load up with whatever panels I had open the last time I closed down, if you see what I mean. I’ve never really had to save my layout.

youre lucky

LOVE your sig!