MX04- Adding links to Basic Text Scroller

I have done a search, and the only answer I found was that I need to change the dynamic text field to html. I did this, and then tried to apply an a href tag in my actionscript, and I received an erro in my output box, and no link was seen. I also tried to plug a link into the link box on the properties, when I had the dynamic text field selected, to go to a page, and that didn’t work either?

Can anyone tell me what I am overlooking…I’m sure its simple…

I also looked here,

but I don’t want to use that component, I want to create my own scroller, like in the Basic text scroller.

I tried to combine the features, and pull the myText dynamic window into the basic movie, and change the buttons to the following…like so:

on (press, release, keyPress “<Up>”) {
currentScroll = myText.scroll;
if (Number(currentScroll)>1) {
myText.scroll = currentScroll-1;

But that didn’t work either…thanks for anyones help in advance…