i have a function which creates a grid of squares, and according to what it is passed when called, it puts pics in and creates it at different xy co ordinates.
so i hav several buttons, that call the function with different variables. these all work, so far so good.
my problem is that every time the function is run, it creates a new grid and the previous one disappears.
what i want to happen is for the grids to stay once they’ve been created, so that once you’ve pressed each button once, you have all the grids on the stage.
i’m guessing the solution has something to do with creating each grid in its own movie clip, or on a level of its own, i tried to play around with this but with no success.
Confused yet? i guess so, so i’ve posted the .fla for you to hav a look at. Apologies cos i’m fairly new to AS so my code is probably terrible!
Any help would be greatly appreciated
P.S. cos of the size limit on the attatchment, i havn’t uploaded the images, it should still work, but the grids will be created with spaces where they should be.