Ok, Im new to using xml in both general and In flash. anyway Im tring to have a projector load an xml file from a server (basically so you can check updates from your desktop.)
I have tried components, but they still confuse me. so I started screwing with loading xml manually.
I can get it load from a relative path fine but that is useless when used from a desktop exe to a server. Although I put a cross domain access thing (sorry name illudes me), but from what I can tell it shouldn’t be needed from a projector (not that it is working at all :p).
so, basically can one of the smart flashers/xml kings help me out,
is it actually possible to do, in general and in a projector?
I have MX2004Pro (can use xml connector,etc components) but If I can I would like to use XML.load() or something like that, cause I like control.
Thanks for any help.