Hey Guys & Gals!
Just letting you all know I’m 16 today yay! Not doing anything special though, I mean c’mon it’s a monday! But will be doing something friday
Hehe I’m so sad I made myself a short flash animation for my birthday you can view it here.
Bon Anniversaire, as I said before <3 :party:
July 14, 2008, 1:58pm
Have fun getting laid Friday.
coughs a little
coughs a lot
coughs even more
I’m 23
Happy Birthday
Gratz mate! Enjoy the fact that you are 1 year closer to death ;D
:party: Happy Birthday, if your in the states don’t hit anyone driving now.
July 15, 2008, 1:51am
Happy Birthday!! Have fun mate:)
Pictures or it didn’t happen.