My 1st Post and 2 simple Questions

**If you know the answer and read this mail then PLEASE answer as I am stuck. I will really appreciate your help :evil: **

OK I have 2 MC on my stage. [color=blue]MC-A[/color] and [color=red]MC-B[/color] both have buttons inside it.

[color=navy]Q-1-[/color] On pressing a button in [color=blue]MC-A[/color] I want the playhead of [color=red]MC-B[/color] to “go to and stop” on frame 5 on MC-Bs timeline.

What code should I attach on the button in [color=blue]MC-A[/color]???

[color=navy]Q-2- [/color][color=black]I am also going to use the same button to load an external swf plus load external dynamic text. [/color]
[color=black]This is not a problem but my question - Is it a bad practise to have more than one action on a button? In my case 3 action? ie. 1. load text, 2- go to frame…and 3-load image/swf?[/color]

**THANKS FOR YOUR TIME!!! :hair: **