Hey guys, its been a while since I’ve done any flash or programming for that matter but I thought I’d show you some of the stuff I’ve been doing to get back into it and teach myself a bit of Actionscript 3 at the same time!
First off is a 3d engine with depth swapping, dynamic lighting, and so on. Its not great and needs a few tweaks before I’ll be completely happy with it but here is an example (walk around with the arrow keys…):
You can turn on and off wireframe, vertices and fog.
Next I decided to add some physics to the whole thing. This is actually quite cool, was working on some verlet integration stuff a few years ago after being inspired by the great Jacobsen article, but didn’t have a 3d engine to test it in. Here is 50 tetrahedrons all moving according to verlet integration.
(you can walk around in this one too!)
And finally I just came up with a quick example of a possible game you could make with it.
Controls are arrow keys and the mouse. There is currently no way to fall off the side but once that is implemented it could make quite a cool game, almost supermonkeyball like methinks. To get to the next level just get across the gap (easy given you can’t actually die).
Anyway for those who are interested the whole thing is self contained (This is what comes of lacking experience, I know I should probably make classes and stuff!) and takes up about 250 lines, maybe 300 with the physics stuff. (that doesn’t include the level maps and stuff like that)
So let me know what you think and any improvements you think I could/should make!